Friday, January 21, 2011

January 17, 2011

A very rainy day! The kind of rain that chills you to the bone. It's been very dry here as of lately, so the rain was a welcome relief for mid-January. Happy MLK Day by the way! It seemed so long ago the famous speech, "I Have A Dream". We all have a dream in life. What's yours? In these days of America, a dream is worth the wait. Waiting, they say, is the hardest part. A good soup is always worth the wait. And this is what happened tonight: HOMEMADE FRENCH ONION SOUP with TOASTED BAGUETTES and PARMESAN CHEESE. Soup is not the same as it used to be, as many things in life. Today, it's Chunky this and Meaty that. We still have the grand old staple of the red and white cans, but those kids have all grown up now. A real soup demands attention and detail. It needs a great palate. It is often overlooked. The key to soup is PATIENCE. Like many things in life, homemade soup is not a rolling boil. It is not a walk in the park. It is not a Sunday drive. It is a liquid of gold and silver melted into one bowl to give nutrition and stability back to our bodies. It is "Liquid Refreshment" for the soul. A good soup warms you both inside and out. It gives peace to your mind. It calls out for a hug in the night. I guess I never knew soup so well. And on this day of celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr., after our soup had warmed our bones and nourished our minds, we watched the movie, "The Blind Side". What a fitting title! There was a lot of homemade soup in that movie. There was waiting. There was warmth. There was refreshment. There was patience. There was careful attention and detail. Soup is good food. Homemade soup is even better!

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